01202 240587
Business: Bournemouth and Poole House Clearance
Street: 502 Holdenhurst Road
Area: Bournemouth
County: Dorset
Postcode: BH8 9AJ
Tel: 01202 918825
Business: Bournemouth Borough Council
Street: Main Town Hall, Town Hall, Bourne Avenue
Area: Bournemouth
County: Dorset
Postcode: BH2 6DY
Tel: 01202 451451
Business: Poole Borough Council
Street: Civic Centre
Area: Poole
County: Dorset
Postcode: BH15 2RU
Tel: 01202 633633
Business: Christchurch Borough Council
Street: Civic Offices, Bridge Street
Area: Christchurch
County: Dorset
Postcode: BH23 1AZ
Tel: 01202 795000
Business: Environment Agency
Street: National Customer Contact Centre
Area: PO Box 544
County: Rotherham
Postcode: S60 1BY
Tel: 03708 506 506
Business: BYBE
Street: Flat 11, East Cliff Grange, 35 Knyveton Road
Area: Bournemouth
County: Dorset
Postcode: BH1 3QJ
Tel: 01202 949749
Business: Millhams Household Recycling Centre
Street: Millhams Road, Kinson
Area: Bournemouth
County: Dorset
Postcode: BH11 9LQ
Business: Nuffield Household Waste Recycling Centre
Street: 92-98 Nuffield Road
Area: Poole
County: Dorset
Postcode: BH17 0RS
Business: Christchurch Household Recycling Centre
Street: Wilverley Road, Somerford
Area: Christchurch
County: Dorset
Postcode: BH23 3RU
  • Areas that we provide our Clearance and Rubbish Removal Services to: (CLICK HERE)

    • Blandford
    • Boscombe
    • Bournemouth
    • Branksome
    • Christchurch
    • Highcliffe
    • lillipput
    • Poole
    • Ringwood
    • Sandbanks
    • Wimbourne
    • New Forest

    Area not mentioned above?, no problem we work in all areas within Dorset and surronding areas of Dorset, UK.

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